Det ser ut att bli för mycket motvind och motström att ta sig till Istanbul den här årstiden. Senare på hösten kan man kanske få sydliga vindar men inte nu. Jag har därför börjat fundera på att segla sydost mot Khios i stället. I går genomförde jag mitt tredje dyk för i år. Vi gick ner till 28 meters djup och var under ytan i 46 minuter. Därnere såg jag två förvuxna abborrar som jagade småfisk. Jag tog min dykarexamen 1985 och inser nu att utbildningen då var ganska mycket mera omfattande än den är i dag. Mina dykkamrater undrade om jag hade blivit skolad hos Navy Seals..
It seams to be too much wind and currents for me to sail all the way to Istanbul this time of year. Later in the autumn one can have winds from the south but not now. Therefore I´m thinking to sail towards southeast and Khios instead. Yesterday I made my third dive for this season. We went down to 28 meters and stayed below the surface for 46 minutes. Down there I saw two big groupers chasing small fish. I took my divers certificate in 1985 and back then it was far more difficult than today. My diving partners were wondering if I had been trained by the Navy Seals..
It seams to be too much wind and currents for me to sail all the way to Istanbul this time of year. Later in the autumn one can have winds from the south but not now. Therefore I´m thinking to sail towards southeast and Khios instead. Yesterday I made my third dive for this season. We went down to 28 meters and stayed below the surface for 46 minutes. Down there I saw two big groupers chasing small fish. I took my divers certificate in 1985 and back then it was far more difficult than today. My diving partners were wondering if I had been trained by the Navy Seals..
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