Vi är i Sivota på södra Lefkas. Vi trodde att vi hittat en lugn och fin ankarplats ända tills en taverna på stranden körde i gång högljudd jazzmusik kl 12 på natten. Vi fick höra varenda låt ända tills polisen satte stopp för eländet kl 2.00. Då började katterna härja och slåss i stället..
We are in Sivota on southern Lefkas. We thought that we had found a nice and quiet anchorage until a taverna on the beach started to play loud jazz music at midnight. We were forced to listen to every song until the police told them to shut up at 2.00. Then our cats started to fight instead..
We are in Sivota on southern Lefkas. We thought that we had found a nice and quiet anchorage until a taverna on the beach started to play loud jazz music at midnight. We were forced to listen to every song until the police told them to shut up at 2.00. Then our cats started to fight instead..
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