Hamnpolisen hade slut på blanketter så vi har fortfarande ingen transit log. Vi åkte trots det vidare till Zakyntos. Här passade vi på att fylla på bränsle och vatten. Vattnet skulle vara gratis, men när man fyllt på ca 100 liter från en tankbil meddelade chauffören att han ville ha 10 euro per båt för gratisvattnet. Han fick 5 euro och såg lika glad ut för det. Diesel skulle kosta 1,52 euro, men då vi betalat kollade jag säkerhets skull priset och det visade sig att vi betalat 1,55. Hamnplatsen kostade i vart fall inget, men hade vi stannat kvar lite längre hade det säkert dykt upp någon som velat ha betalt för det också.
The port police were out of forms so we still have no transit log. We went on to Zakyntos. Here we took the opportunity to fill up diesel and water. The water was supposed to be free, but when we filled up about 100 litres from a water-truck the driver wanted 10 euros per boat for the free water. We paid 5 euro and he looked happy about that. Diesel was supposed to be 1,52 euro, but after we paid I checked the price and it was 1,55. The place in the harbour was free of charge, but if we would have stayed long enough I´m sure that somebody would have showed up to ask money for it.
The port police were out of forms so we still have no transit log. We went on to Zakyntos. Here we took the opportunity to fill up diesel and water. The water was supposed to be free, but when we filled up about 100 litres from a water-truck the driver wanted 10 euros per boat for the free water. We paid 5 euro and he looked happy about that. Diesel was supposed to be 1,52 euro, but after we paid I checked the price and it was 1,55. The place in the harbour was free of charge, but if we would have stayed long enough I´m sure that somebody would have showed up to ask money for it.
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