Vädret har varit fint så jag har skidat på isen varje dag. I bland har till och med solen varit framme. Jag försöker komma i form då jag hunnit boka in några veckor i St Anton senare i vår och då gäller det ju att hänga med i svängarna. Uppe på berget har man rekordmycket snö i år, enligt St Antons hemsida är snödjupet 520 cm och enligt lokala källor ännu mera. Det talas om bästa säsongen på 30 år så gissa om jag väntar på att komma i väg.
The weather has been nice so I have been skiing on the ice every day. Sometimes I have even been able to see the sun. I try to get into shape because I have reserved a few weeks in St Anton later this spring and I have to be fit. At the mountain they have a record breaking amount of snow this year, according to St Anton homepage there is 520 cm of snow and according to the locals even more. There are rumours that say it is the best season in 30 years so you can bet that I´m keen on getting there.
The weather has been nice so I have been skiing on the ice every day. Sometimes I have even been able to see the sun. I try to get into shape because I have reserved a few weeks in St Anton later this spring and I have to be fit. At the mountain they have a record breaking amount of snow this year, according to St Anton homepage there is 520 cm of snow and according to the locals even more. There are rumours that say it is the best season in 30 years so you can bet that I´m keen on getting there.